Numerology Analysis of Vladimir Putin

In numerology, number 7 is associated with observation skills, analytical mind, research, knowledge, information, etc. Generally, the people associated with this number are of secretive nature. These traits are very useful in specific professions like researcher, investigator, detective, spy, etc. Number 7 is frequently found as a birth number or life path number in the people belonging to such professions.

Mahaveer Sanglikar

Senior Numerologist & Graphologist
Cell No. 91 8149703595

Russian President Vladimir Putin is the most powerful and most influential world leader. He is the current President of Russia. Previously, he was President of Russia from 2000 to 2008 and Prime Minister for two terms, 1999-2000 and 2008 to 2012. He is known as an aggressive and dominant leader. He well plays his role in world politics on behalf of his nation. Here is a very interesting analysis of his date of birth and name, according to numerology.

Russian president Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin was born on 7th October 1952. Accordingly, his birth number is 7 and his life path number is also 7.

His full name is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The numerical value of this full name is 142. When we reduce this value to a single digit we get his expression number, which is also 7! (142 = 1+4+2 = 7). The numerical value of his first name Vladimir is 43. When we reduce this number to a single digit, it becomes 7! (4+3 =7). Moreover, the numerical value of the consonants in his full name is 77, which is his personality number. The repeating 7 does not stop here. The first letter of his last name is P, which is in 16th place in English Alphabet. 16 = 1+6 =7. Please see the numerical calculations in the chart given below this article)

So number 7 appears 7 times in President Vladimir Putin’s numerology chart. This repetition is a rare case. This repetition shows that he is greatly influenced by the traits of the number 7.

Now let us see what are the traits of number 7.

In numerology, number 7 is associated with observation skills, analytical mind, research, knowledge, information, etc. Generally, the people associated with this number are of secretive nature. These traits are very useful in specific professions like researcher, investigator, detective, spy, etc. Number 7 is frequently found as a birth number or life path number in the people belonging to such professions.

Vladimir Putin was a spy before he entered politics. He served in KGB, Russia’s secret service for 16 years. (Again 16 = 1+6 =7!)

Putin’s Attitude Number

Attitude Number is one of the most important number in numerology. Attitude number is derived from adding birthday number and birth month number. 7th October = 07+10=8. So Vladimir Putin’s Attitude Number is 8. ( His Year number is also 8 (1952= 17=8). His last name number is 26/8!

Number 8 is about Power, Administration & Management, Dictatorship, and Inflexibility. You know well that Putin is a power-oriented person, a powerful person, his attitude is like a dictator and he does not like to compromise. That is his attitude. While the negative side of number 26 is disasters and destruction.

In one of my Marathi articles written in 2015, I wrote that Putin may become a cause for a world war 3!

Some Incidents in Vladimir Putin’s Life

Now let us see some important incidents in the life of Vladimir Putin.

* He entered politics in 1996 when Boris Yeltsin was President of Russia. The digits in this year when added, total to 25. 1996= 1+9+9+6=25=2+5=7.

* He was appointed as Chief of FSB (Federal Security Service) on 25th July 1998. Again, 25 = 2+5 =7. Moreover, the month number of July is also 7.

* He was elected as the Prime Minister of Russia on 16th August 1999. Here 16 = 1+6 =7. Now add all the digits of the date 16.08.1999. The total is 43. Again we get 7 when we add 4 and 3.

* He was elected as the President of Russia on 7th May 2007.

* Once again he was elected as the President of Russia on 7th May 2012

* His 4th term as the President began on 7th May 2018.

Thus we see the influence of traits related to Number 7 on President Vladimir Putin.

Apart from number 7, there are two other numbers, which have some influence on him. They are 26 and 9. The numerical value of his last name is 26 and the number of letters in his full name is also 26. 26 is the number of power, aggression, and administration. The negative side of the traits related to number 26 is are: Disasters and relationship problems.

Then 9 appears for 8 times in his name chart. 9 is a warrior’s number.

This article was unintentionally written and published on 16th May 2020. See the numbers. The total of the digits in the full date 16.05.2020 is 16, and the date on which it was written was also 16. That is 7, or you can say it double 7!

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Author: Mahaveer Sanglikar

I am a Senior Numerologist, Graphologist, Face Reader and Motivator from Pune, India.

2 thoughts on “Numerology Analysis of Vladimir Putin”

  1. Thnk you, i do have more than 5 times 7 on my chart and i do love this man. My job is secret as well… i love how everything discplays . My name is Martha Bliss write down my name … =)


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